Class Field2_n


final class Field2_n
extends java.lang.Object

This class encapsulates the operations for a finite field with 2^n elements. The parameter for this field are set in


Field Summary
static int degree
          Degree of the underlying irreducible polynomial.
(package private) static Field2_n div_A
          static registers for division
(package private) static Field2_n div_B
          static registers for division
(package private) static Field2_n div_tmp
          static register for division
(package private) static Field2_n div_V
          static registers for division
private static boolean dummy
          dummy value, which is initialized only once.
private static Field2_n mul_tmp
          static register for multiplication
private  int[] number
          Allocats memory for elements of this class
static int reductionTerm
          Stores the reduction term as bit vector.
static int size
          determinates the size of elements of this class.
(package private) static Field2_n[] tmpSqr
          static values for squaring.
Constructor Summary
(package private) Field2_n()
          Standart Constructor to obtain an element with all bits = 0
(package private) Field2_n(Field2_n father)
          Constructor to produce a copy of another Field2_n element
(package private) Field2_n(int init)
          Constructor to obtain an element with least significant integer set and the rest being 0
(package private) Field2_n(java.util.Random rnd)
          Constructor to obtain a random element
Method Summary
 void add(Field2_n ter)
          this += ter Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers.
 void add(Field2_n ter1, Field2_n ter2)
          this = ter1 + ter2 Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers.
private  void addModul()
          this += generating polynomial Adds the modul to this.
 void addOne()
          this += 1 - adds one to this
 boolean checkBit(int where)
          Checks if the bit at position where is set.
 void clearBit(int where)
          Clears bit at position where.
private  int cntDegree()
          find the degree of this - i.e.
 void copy(Field2_n father)
          this = ter - copies father integerwise into this
 void div(Field2_n fac)
          this /= fac - divides this by fac usind finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this.
 void div(Field2_n whom, Field2_n by)
          this = whom / by in GF(2^n) - divides two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n).
 boolean even()
          Checks if bit[0] is _not_ set, i.e.
 void getElement(int[] bitVec)
          copies this to a bit vector
private static boolean initAll()
          initializes the static variables.
private  boolean isElement()
          Checks if the current element is from Field2_n
static boolean isElement(Field2_n elem)
          Checks if a given integer is within the range of a GF(2^n) element.
static boolean isElement(Field2_n[] elems)
          Checks if a given vector consists only of Field2_n elements.
static boolean isElement(Field2_n[][] elems)
          Checks if a given matrix consists only of Field2_n elements.
 boolean isEqual(Field2_n who)
          Checks if this and who are bitwise equal
 boolean isZero()
          Checks if the element is the zero element
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Tests everything in this class
 void mul(Field2_n fac)
          this *= fac - multiplies two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this.
 void mul(Field2_n fac1, Field2_n fac2)
          this = fac1 * fac2 - multiplies two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this.
 void mulX()
          this *= x assumes that there is no reduction necessary
 void rnd(java.util.Random rnd)
          sets this to a random element from Field2_2.
static int rndBit(java.util.Random rnd)
          returns a random position within current Field2_n
 void setBit(int where)
          Sets bit at position where.
 void setElement(int[] bitVec)
          sets field element regarding to a bit vector.
 void setOne()
          sets this to 1
 void setZero()
          sets this to zero
private  void shiftL()
          this <<= 1 - therefore computes a left shift of this by one bit.
private  void shiftLMod()
          this <<= 1 % i(t) - therefore computes a left shift of this by one bit and reduces the result by the generating polynomials i(t).
private  void shiftR()
          this >>= 1 - therefore computes a right shift of this by one bit.
 void sqr(Field2_n fac)
          this = fac^2 This algorithm is not very fast, but will be replaced by a faster algorithm in the next version
 java.lang.String stringIt()
          converts this to a string
 void sub(Field2_n ter)
          this -= ter Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers.
 void sub(Field2_n ter1, Field2_n ter2)
          this = ter1 - ter2 Subtracts two numbers using the xor function for intergers.
static void testIt()
          Tests the functionality of the whole class.
 void xorBit(int where)
          xors the bit at position where.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int degree
Degree of the underlying irreducible polynomial. Value comes from class HFE2_n


public static final int size
determinates the size of elements of this class. The assumption is that one integer has 32 bits.


public static final int reductionTerm
Stores the reduction term as bit vector. The assumption is that - apart from x^degree - the other factors have degree less than 32


private int[] number
Allocats memory for elements of this class


private static final boolean dummy
dummy value, which is initialized only once. The idea is to use a side effect to get the static variables initialized


static Field2_n[] tmpSqr
static values for squaring. Used in sqr(HFE.Field2_n)


private static Field2_n mul_tmp
static register for multiplication


static Field2_n div_A
static registers for division


static Field2_n div_B
static registers for division


static Field2_n div_V
static registers for division


static Field2_n div_tmp
static register for division
Constructor Detail


Standart Constructor to obtain an element with all bits = 0


Field2_n(Field2_n father)
Constructor to produce a copy of another Field2_n element


Field2_n(int init)
Constructor to obtain an element with least significant integer set and the rest being 0


Field2_n(java.util.Random rnd)
Constructor to obtain a random element
Method Detail


private static final boolean initAll()
initializes the static variables. Is called by a side effect by initializing dummy.


public boolean even()
Checks if bit[0] is _not_ set, i.e. if the number is even
true iff bit[0] is 0


public boolean isZero()
Checks if the element is the zero element
true iff the element is zero


public boolean checkBit(int where)
Checks if the bit at position where is set.
where - position in this which should be checked
true iff bit is 1


public void setBit(int where)
Sets bit at position where.
where - position in this which should be set


public void clearBit(int where)
Clears bit at position where.
where - position in this which should be cleared


public void xorBit(int where)
xors the bit at position where.
where - position in this which should be xored


public final void copy(Field2_n father)
this = ter - copies father integerwise into this
father - element of Field2_n


private void shiftL()
this <<= 1 - therefore computes a left shift of this by one bit. Does not assume that the highest significant integer is valid (i.e. only the bits less the degree of the generating polynomial can seen to be valid).


private void shiftLMod()
this <<= 1 % i(t) - therefore computes a left shift of this by one bit and reduces the result by the generating polynomials i(t). This left-shift is equivalent to multiplication with t. Assumes that this is valid before and after this computation.


private void shiftR()
this >>= 1 - therefore computes a right shift of this by one bit. Assumes that bit[0] is 0, i.e. this is even. For the implementation platform (x86, Linux, Java 1.3) it turned out that >>= 1 keeps the sign bit untouched. The workaround it to delete the sign flag manually (required a second step...)


private boolean isElement()
Checks if the current element is from Field2_n
true iff this is a valid element from Field2_n


public static boolean isElement(Field2_n elem)
Checks if a given integer is within the range of a GF(2^n) element.
is elem in the range of an Field2_n element


public static boolean isElement(Field2_n[] elems)
Checks if a given vector consists only of Field2_n elements.
true iff all elements of the vector are Field2_n elements.


public static boolean isElement(Field2_n[][] elems)
Checks if a given matrix consists only of Field2_n elements.
true iff all elements of the matrix are Field2_n elements.


public boolean isEqual(Field2_n who)
Checks if this and who are bitwise equal
true iff this == who


public void setZero()
sets this to zero


public void setOne()
sets this to 1


public void addOne()
this += 1 - adds one to this


public void setElement(int[] bitVec)
sets field element regarding to a bit vector. this is overwritten.
bitVec - elements from GF(2) for field elements


public void getElement(int[] bitVec)
copies this to a bit vector
bitVec - element in form of bit vector


private int cntDegree()
find the degree of this - i.e. the position of the highest bit which is not zero. If all bits are zero, this function returns -1
position of the first bit which is not zero. Range: -1, .., degree-1


public final void add(Field2_n ter1,
                      Field2_n ter2)
this = ter1 + ter2 Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers. Note: This works for any extionsion field over p=2. The result is stored in this.
ter1 - element of Field2_n
ter2 - element of Field2_n


public final void add(Field2_n ter)
this += ter Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers. Note: This works for any extionsion field over p=2. The result is stored in this.
ter - element of Field2_n


private final void addModul()
this += generating polynomial Adds the modul to this. Exploits the fact that generating polynomial only changes two integers in our representation. Assumes that this is a valid element of GF(2^n)


public final void sub(Field2_n ter1,
                      Field2_n ter2)
this = ter1 - ter2 Subtracts two numbers using the xor function for intergers. Note: This works for any extionsion field over p=2. The result is stored in this. Please note that add = sub for p=2.
ter1 - element of Field2_n
ter2 - element of Field2_n


public final void sub(Field2_n ter)
this -= ter Adds two numbers using the xor function for intergers. Note: This works for any extionsion field over p=2. The result is stored in this. Please note that add = sub for p=2.
ter - element of Field2_n


public final void mul(Field2_n fac1,
                      Field2_n fac2)
this = fac1 * fac2 - multiplies two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this.
fac1 - element of GF(2^n)
fac2 - element of GF(2^n)


public final void mulX()
this *= x assumes that there is no reduction necessary


public final void sqr(Field2_n fac)
this = fac^2 This algorithm is not very fast, but will be replaced by a faster algorithm in the next version


public final void mul(Field2_n fac)
this *= fac - multiplies two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this. Uses a static variable to store the result of multiplication
fac - element of GF(2^n)


public final void div(Field2_n whom,
                      Field2_n by)
this = whom / by in GF(2^n) - divides two numbers using finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n). Implements "Gread Divide" from Sheueling Chang Shantz. The result (register U) is stored in this. Makes use of three static registers, namely div_A, div_B, div_V.
whom - which number should be divised
by - which number divides


public final void div(Field2_n fac)
this /= fac - divides this by fac usind finite field arithmetic in GF(2^n) and stores the result in this. Uses a static variable to store the result of multiplication
fac - element of GF(2^n)


public final void rnd(java.util.Random rnd)
sets this to a random element from Field2_2.


public static final int rndBit(java.util.Random rnd)
returns a random position within current Field2_n


public java.lang.String stringIt()
converts this to a string


public static final void testIt()
Tests the functionality of the whole class. If there occurs any error it will be printed on stdout.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Tests everything in this class
See Also: